Why did we limit the speeds to 120kph?

Tue, 03/20/2018 - 06:42 -- sgradmin

 The proposed SGR is majorly designed for freight and all major design parameters are for freight railways.
• In the SGR protocol, it was agreed that we limit the speed of passenger trains to 120kph and freight to 100kph for the sake of affordability and feasibility given the level of development and economies.
• Throughout the world most freight trains operate at speeds of 80-120kph because higher speeds require very heavy locomotives that may not be available on the market
• Throughout the world, freight trains are not as fast as passenger trains because they are heavier and longer whereas passenger trains are lighter and shorter. There are design and operational justifications for this norm.
• The SGR is mainly designed for freight. Passenger services are only an added advantage. The major design considerations are based on freight train requirements.
• This is in conformity with China class 1 railways where the speeds can be 160kph, 140kph or 120 kph. Given that we have hilly terrain, it was prudent to choose 120kph for passengers. Besides in mixed railways, if the passenger speeds are higher, it reduces the transport capacity as cargo trains have to give way for passenger trains.


Standard Gauge Railway Uganda
Developing the Tororo-Kampala (Eastern) and Tororo -Amuru-Packwach (Northern) routes